SHOUT – Social Sciences and Humanities in intersectoral Outreach for better education and sustainable innovations
Promoting sustainable innovation is key issue for establishing inclusive and resilient communities and responding to global challenges.
Grant Agreement Number: 612364-EPP-1-2019-1-LT-EPPKA2-KA
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/11/2019- 31/10/2022
European societies are facing dramatic changes and dealing with complex inter-linked global challenges ,presented in Sustainable Development Goals, lead to an unpredictable future. Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) students, graduates and professionals could offer critical insights for promoting social innovative solutions to address societal challenges. Furthermore, being on the verge of the 4th industrial revolution, more emphasis is needed on the SSH-based research which will support the move towards sustainable and innovative solutions.
At the same time, it seems that the skills gained by SSH students, graduates and professionals are not sufficient enough to respond to the labour market needs. Many of SSH graduates are working in other industries, such as catering. The top job postings are not dedicated for SSH students, graduates and professionals. Consequently, SSH students, graduates and professionals should promote their competencies and skills in order to be more competitive in the labour market and to effectively respond in the current societal needs.
SHOUT aims at enhancing the skills of SSH students, graduates and professionals and increasing their employability, by involving them in innovative and research mission-based traineeship programs and addressing the most prominent world’s challenges pointed out in SDGs.