Supported Living Settings

Supporting the resettlement of persons with intellectual disabilities from the residential institution of Demir Kapija into community based supported living settings

Support for the De-institutionalisation Process in Social Sector

Project Agreement Number: IPA 2019/414-203

Funded by: Europeaid            Duration: 03/02/2020 – 02/02/2022   


Even though the process of deinstitutionalization in North Macedonia started 20 years ago, large institutions and accommodation facilities still exist in many parts of the country. The long-term goals set by the first Deinstitutionalization Strategy were not achieved in terms of the number of resettled persons, with none of the institutions being completely transformed or community services being adequately developed. As highlighted in the new National Deinstitutionalization Strategy 2018-2027 “Timjanik”, the state remains the dominant provider of institutional care and community services.

Among the priorities of “Timjanik” for transformation is the Demir Kapija special institution. Demir Kapija is the largest social care institution in North Macedonia with 221 residents – adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. The conditions in the institution are bad for residents and staff and the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Macedonia on 2016 visit report has evidenced that minimum standards in terms of accommodation and hygiene, as well as health care, treatment of patients, activities and contact with the outside world, are not met. Transforming such an institution will have a significant impact on the creation of new community-based services in North Macedonia.


This project aims to support the deinstitutionalisation process in North Macedonia. It aims specifically to contribute to the resettling of persons with intellectual disabilities from Demir Kapija institution into community-based supported living settings, and to the development of new community-based social services, in order to enhance inclusion of people with intellectual/mental disabilities into mainstream community.


·  Design of community-based supported living services model for persons with intellectual/mental disabilities.
·   Establishment and operationalisation of 2 community-based supported living services (small group homes) – 10 residents will be resettled from Demir Kapija and assisted in supported living arrangements into the community.
·   Provision of innovative community-based services for persons with disabilities, such as intensive interaction, personal planning/assistance, home help/care and personal care packages.
At least 20 professionals will be trained in planning and provision of community-based supported living services
·    Capacities of 30 CSOs staff will be built in innovative community-based social services establishment and delivery. 
·    Promotion of local government and community commitment and engagement in community-based supported living services and innovative community-based social services establishment and delivery: Capacities of 10 municipal and social protection authorities staff built in innovative community based social services establishment and delivery / Capacities of 50 professionals in public services (teachers, general practitioners, nurses, culture workers, vocational and social services etc.) built on user involvement.
Community outreach and awareness raising: Increased awareness of local community & stakeholders about the problem of institutions and the advantages of deinstitutionalisation, disability rights, and the benefits of inclusion for residents and the community.

The contents of this publication are sole responsibility of the author, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. The project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Project Coordinator)
Association for Development Humanост (North Macedonia)
Municipality of Demir Kapjia (North Macedonia)

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