Cooperation between CSO’s and groups of former victims of trafficking and domestic violence for the economic empowerment of victims
The project aims to further support the former victims of trafficking and domestic violence in Albania.
Funded by: Europeaid Duration: 02/2018-01/2021

The EU and other donors have recognized civil society as an important actor to the advancement of Albania’s integration in the European Union. CSOs play a crucial role in providing a range of services to citizens, enabling access to basic services particularly for poor, vulnerable and marginalized women and men, victims of domestic violence and trafficking citizens with special needs, and women and girls at risk. However, the delivery of such services, which are essential for a significant share of the population, is insufficiently regulated and monitored, and largely depends on donor funding.
The aim of the project is to facilitate the socio-economic re-integration of former victims of trafficking and/or domestic violence in Albania, many of whom live in Tirana, Kukes, Diber and Saranda. This aim will be achieved through the enhancement of the CSOs role in the social integration –through employment- of women who have been victims of trafficking or domestic violence.
The project will support CSOs- and through them victims- by implementing a Grant Scheme
The main activities are:
- CSO Needs Assessment and Capacity Building events for CSO members
- Establishment and operation of a Social Cause Club in order to serve as a place for support, acquirement of new skills and empowerment for former victims of trafficking and domestic violence
- Establishment and operation of a Grant Scheme dedicated to CSOs that operate in the field of the protection and empowerment of former victims of trafficking and domestic violence in four regions of Albania
- Visibility actions and campaigns in order to raise awareness in the general public
The project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
The contents of this publication are sole responsibility of the author, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union

Project Partners

Different and Equal