EpsiLon – Equipping Professionals for Supporting LGBT Refugees
Increasing the knowledge, skills and awareness of all adult professionals who come in contact with LGBT migrants and refugees is key issue for better integrating them in the host society.
Grant Agreement Number: 2016-1-UK01-KA204-024317
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/09/2016-31/08/2018
During the period 2015-2018 more than 1,4 million refugees arrived in Europe, as a repercussion of the political turmoil in Middle East and North Africa. The vast majority came by sea to Greece, Italy and Cyprus. At the same time, the increasing inequality and persecution of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender groups (LGBT) affects also migrants and refugees, as they have been subject to severe social exclusion and violence in reception centres.
Combined together these two characteristics make LGBT migrants and refugees one of the most vulnerable groups in Europe. This has intensified the need of training adult professionals and volunteers who come in contact with LGBT migrants, as Greece, Italy and Cyprus have still progress to do regarding the protection of LGBT rights. Conversely, UK and Netherlands have introduced effective policies in training for LGBT issues and human rights.
Better integration and support services to LGBT migrants through the enhancement of skills and knowledge on LGBT issues of adult professionals and volunteers who come in contact with migrants and refugees.
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