T-Games – Games for Tolerance

The aim of T-Games is to reduce and smooth the problem of school bullying starting its prevention from an early age.

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 01/11/2020-31/12/2022  


Nearly one out of three boys and girls have been bullied at least once at school and a similar proportion have been affected by physical violence, according to the UNESCO report “Behind the numbers: ending school violence and bullying”, released in 2019 Education World Forum. Overall, says the report, physical bullying is the biggest problem in most regions, but in Europe and North America psychological bullying is the most common, while online bullying is gradually rising.

Bulling must be addressed because it severely affects children’s mental health, quality of life and academic achievement. All students have the right to school safety and it is up to educators to adopt bullying prevention measures in order to ensure that students feel safe and confident within the school environment.


T-Games is a European project aiming to reduce and smooth the problem of school bullying, starting its prevention from an early age. Its innovative approach lies in gamified learning and the gamification method that will be utilized in several stages. Firstly, to train educational practitioners and parents on how to address bullying, and secondly to allow children to tackle and understand the topic according to their needs and abilities.


The first phase of the project involves the gathering of information from the school-related partners regarding the resources and tools that teachers use in the classroom to address the problem of bullying. Based on the collected information, the partners will determine teachers’ needs, which will become the core of the Methodology. The Methodology will set out the way to develop the right games and activities to be used for preventing bullying.

Guidelines for parents and teachers will be developed, in order to educate and inform them on innovative ways to address bullying. There will be instructions on how games facilitation and role playing mechanisms can be incorporated into fun but constructive conversation with children about such topics. In the classroom, the teachers will not only introduce the topic in a form of conversation but also play learning games with the students for a greater understanding of the problem.

Partners will collect best practices, so teachers know more about the topic and about the interventions that were successful in the past. They will also collate resources and innovative tools that have been developed and are used by teachers in practical lessons in the classroom. The aim will be to create a database of games, activities and resources on bullying facilitation, impact mitigation and escalation, as well as bullying prevention. This database will be an innovative repository of games suitable for kindergarten and primary school children.

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Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and
Innovation Centre

Kindergarten № 75 – Coordinator (Bulgaria)
Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Macedonia
CWEP – Centre for Education and Entrepreneurship Support (Poland)
Mise HERo (Czech Republic)
Know and Can Association (Bulgaria)
non-public kindergarten
“Sikorki” (Poland)
CPIP (Romania)
School Inspectorate of Arges County (Romania)
Orangery primary school (Czech Republic)

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