TSITour- Training on Social Inclusion in Tourism, by including elderly people as local storytellers for the Tourism Industry

TSITour aims at fighting the idleness of elderly people and keeping them active in the society.

Grant Agreement Number: 2019-1-PT01-KA202-61127

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 01/11/2019-  31/10/2021   


According to Eurostat, EU population is getting older, as there is an increasing share of people aged above 65 years old than below 14 years old. The EU countries with the highest percentages of old population are Italy, Greece, Germany and Portugal, while this tendency is expected to increase in the next decade, since all these countries have birth rates below the average in EU-28.

Despite the fact that these elderly people will benefit from social assistance, keeping them active remains a big challenge. Some VET trainings for social workers in EU address the idleness of the elderly people. However, minimizing the idleness brings only limited benefits for the psychophysical health of the elderly people, and does not bring significant socio-economic gains to society.


TSITour aims at fighting the idleness of elderly people and keeping them active in the society, by enabling them to undertake the role of Local Storyteller in the tourism industry. Specifically, it aims to develop a training module for the VET courses on the fields of care and welfare, bringing benefits to both VET professionals on the tourism sector and elderly people under social care.


A report will be drafted regarding the Local Storytellers in the Tourism Industry compiling the main findings of the following activities: benefits identification of Local Storytellers through interviews with tourism professionals, VET trainers and SMEs representatives; questionnaires and interviews with welfare/social professionals for the identification of the current efforts made by them for the inclusion of elderly people; collection of good practices and round tables with relevant stakeholders.

Training modules will be developed and implemented face-to-face, while they will be available online in the training platform. These training modules will train social workers on how to implement new initiatives, such as local storytelling, taking advantage of the competencies of the elderly and valorise them.

A Final Publication will be developed – “VET Module on Project Development for Social Inclusion – Tourism as case study”-, providing accurate description of TSITour’s methodology and main conclusions and results. 

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Ovar Forma (Portugal)
CEPROF (Portugal)
Fundación INTRAS (Spain)
Centro per lo Sviluppo Ceativo Danilo Dolci (Italy)
DEFOIN (Spain)

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