Fostering Political Participation among Young Europeans with Intellectual and Psychosocial Disabilities An initiative promoting civic engagement and participation of young individuals with disabilities in democratic

Youth Unite
Fostering tolerance and inclusivity through education and engagement An initiative aimed at empowering youth to become agents of change for inclusive societies GA number: Funded

Fostering youth volunteering for personal and professional growth in a more social Europe YESVolunteer aims to stimulate professional growth and create employment opportunities for youth

The CLIMentines – Empowered youth for climate action CLIMentines aims at fostering a new generation of environmentally conscious and politically active young Europeans. Grant Agreement

Youth-Well: Working Together for Resilient and Democratic Youth Youth-Well aims to foster resilience, inclusivity and active participation among young people, Grant Agreement Number: 101132239 Funded

Youth work sheds LIGHT to unconscious bias and invisible Racism LIGHT harnesses the power of youth work to address unconscious bias and invisible racism. GA

Rural Youth Future
Rural Youth Future The Rural Youth Future project aims at improving employment opportunities for young people in rural areas and supporting sustainable rural development. GA

JUST EU and ME An initiative that aims to provide youth with skills and opportunities to further engage with EU and Member States policies. GA

Drugs Awareness and Alternative Pathways An initiative offering alternatives to youth drug use through peer-led wellbeing coaching GA number: 2023-1-CZ01-KA220-YOU-000152344 Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration:

Financial literacy for youngsters from low socioeconomic contexts FINYOUTH aims to enhance the financial knowledge of youngsters from low socio-economic contexts to prevent them from

Futures DesignED
Exploring Green Futures: Integrating the New European Bauhaus into Art and Design Education An Erasmus+ project aiming to integrate Art & Design courses to support

Introducing the organizational approach to integration of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion Model in working with young people An Erasmus+ project for they systematic integration of values

Restoration Academy
Empowering Youth Participation in Nature Restoration An Erasmus+ project aiming to promote nature restoration as a means for youth education. GA number: 2023-1-FI01-KA220-YOU-000155405 Funded by:

#HateTrackers Beyond Borders HateTrackers aspires to promote active citizenship among youth by bringing them together to prevent and combat online hate speech. Grant Agreement: 2022-2-IT03-KA220-YOU-000096741

MINDSET – Supporting youth organizations and youth workers for the Identification and Prevention of Youth Gaming Disorder The project’s aim is to prepare youth organizations

The Unexpected Artrepreneur The objective of the TUA project is to harness the influential potential of visual art to create inclusive and fair educational spaces.

EMPOWER – Social Enterprises’ Sustainability Tools Fostering the sustainability and scalability of new and existing social enterprises, and supporting young entrepreneurs. Grant Agreement Number: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000029024

SYnC – Strengthening youth entrepreneurship and innovation capital for the circular economy SYnC is an Erasmus+ project focused on developing a non-formal educational framework to

YOUTH REGAINED – Reframing attitudes of minors and youth at risk of offending/re-offending through training The project aims to strengthen the employability of minors, especially

A(RT)CTION for Climate Change The A(rt)ction Project aims to put visual artists at the heart of the environmental movement and strengthen their role in raising

Bonding – Facilitating intergenerational solidarity and learning through building friendships between youngsters and elderly The project addresses the need for increasing the opportunities for youth

Young Demo
Young Leaders United for Democracy Young Demo aims to support youth democratic and civic engagement and to reinforce the importance of citizen involvement and representation

WELFARE – Designing future WELFARE systems Creating a forum for interdisciplinary discussion and knowledge transfer between the public/non-profit welfare system and students within social sciences

Pacify-D: Promoting the Active CItizenship of Youth through Diplomacy Pacify-D project aims at fostering young people’s civic engagement and participation while promoting social inclusion, intercultural

YouLEAD: Empowering YOUth taking the Lead towards active citizenship YouLead aims to empower and support the active involvement and civic participation of youth in public

YURI – INTERCULTURAL URBAN-RURAL YOUTH DIALOGUES FOR COLLECTIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP YURI seeks to empower young people, especially those facing fewer opportunities, by promoting inclusion and diversity,

StoryLiving- Enabling youth with developmental disabilities & mental health disorders to share their COVID-19 experiences through digital storytelling A European initiative aiming to encourage social

Young Cultentrepreneurs
Young Cultentrepreneurs – Supporting youth innovative minds for cultural and creative entrepreneurship The project will develop new educational resources to motivate and steer young people

ACTIVE! Engage, Connect, Empower EU Youth through sustainable, inclusive and democratic Sport ACTIVE! aims at fostering the active participation of youth in civic life

LETsTALK: developing gender sensitive mental health program for young people The project aims to strengthen the capacity of youth workers in supporting young peoples’ mental

REBUILD – REBUILDing society through youth engagement Promoting youth inclusive participation in EU’s civic life and networking among youth, stakeholders and policy makers. Grant

Healthcare4ASD – Updating healthcare professionals VET for working with people with ASD Healthcare4ASD aims at providing healthcare professionals with a new, innovative, and accessible learning

YouthASD – Upskilling youth organizations for the inclusion of people with ASD An Erasmus+ project aiming to contribute to the inclusion of young people with

Digital Youth
Digital Youth: Preparing Youth Workers for a Digital World Preparing youth workers to engage in digital youth work by providing them with the necessary knowledge,

Stars4SD – Supporting youth entrepreneurs in meeting Sustainable Development Goals through a peer certification system The Stars4SD programme aims to support youth entrepreneurship, innovation and

INCLUDED: Inclusive sex-ed through creative methods INCLUDED brings together 7 European countries to develop an innovative sexual education programme addressed to students, with the involvement

Harnessing the potential of digital tools to strengthen youth participation in EU democratic life – YouEU #YouEU aims to reinvigorate the relationship of European youth with

Digital Theatre
Digital Theatre An Erasmus+ programme aiming to support Theater and its people, emphasising the enhancement of their digital skills and the digital transition of their

ARTY – Digital art therapy for youth with developing or existing mental health conditions An Erasmus+ programme aimed at ensuring healthy lives and promoting mental

ORIENT – Young explorers re-discover local communities through orienteering An Erasmus+ project that aims to encourage the use of sports as a tool to foster

OCEA(n)RT – Increasing youth participation to address plastic -“COVID-Waste”- litter through visual art works An Erasmus+ project that aims to boost youth participation to address

HeART- HElping ARTists of EUrope Survive As Freelancers and Entrepreneurs An Erasmus+ project that aims to protect Young Artists from unemployment and poverty. Grant

The Science of Sexuality Education and Youth Work – SafeYouth An Erasmus+ project that focuses on supporting and empowering youth workers combating the social obstacles

Art huBs for youTh An Erasmus+ project aiming to promote intercultural dialogue through the establishment of Art Hubs. Grant Agreement Number: 2020-3-UK01-KA205-094207 Funded by: Erasmus+

Analysing and Preventing Extremism Via Participation PARTICIPATION is a project that identifies the European contemporary needs concerning extremism and radicalization, in a broad spectrum, going

URBAN – Engaging Youth with Urban Gardening Activities The project aims at encouraging the active participation and education of local community members through setting up

Drop In: Early School Leavers Drop In aims at enhancing the basic and transversal skills of young drop-outs and reintroducing them in the labour market.

PAClife – Physical and Cultural Activity for Lifeskills Development Supporting young migrants and disadvantaged young people to increase resilience through physical and cultural activities. Grant

YouthMythBusters YouthMythBusters aims to promote the civic and political engagement of young people at risk of social exclusion and to fight fake news, manipulation and

SHOUT – Social Sciences and Humanities in intersectoral Outreach for better education and sustainable innovations Promoting sustainable innovation is key issue for establishing inclusive and

STOP – Stop child abuse through effective training and augmented reality STOP aims to fight child abuse and exploitation of young people by offering an

COMMunIcation campaign against exTremism and radicalisation COMMIT aims at preventing and dissuading vulnerable young people (13-25 years old) from extremism, violent radicalisation and terrorism. Grant

SAILAWAY – Supporting the participation of children and youth with developmental disabilities in sailing SailAway aims at fostering the social inclusion and developing the personal

APPLE: eArly warning Platform to Prevent youth from dropping out of school Education APPLE is a European initiative aiming to tackle Early School Leaving. Grant

EntrInno – Online Game for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Optimizing entrepreneurship and innovation through online gaming. Grant Agreement Number: 2015-1-CY01-KA204-011868 Funded by: Erasmus+

PROMYSE – Promoting Youth Social Entrepreneurship Promoting social entrepreneurship in the health/ social care sectors as an alternative pathway to youth employability. Grant Agreement

YEIP: Youth Empowerment and Innovation Project Fighting youth radicalisation through the promotion of the restorative justice and positive psychology. Grant Agreement Number: 2016-2927/9 Funded by:

SAFE – Supporting un-Accompanied children with Family-based care and Enhanced protection SAFE aims to enhance family-based care to promote welfare and ensure protection of unaccompanied

Words Are Stones
Words Are Stones Countering hate speech is essential for promoting tolerance and non-discrimination. Grant Agreement Number: 764672 Funded by: REC Duration: 11/2017-10/2019

TrainVol: Capacity Building of Civil Society to Strengthen Volunteerism Management and Promote Volunteerism among Youth Promoting skills development and labour market inclusion for young people

You.Change.com: Empowering Young Disadvantaged Individuals to trigger change in their communities You.change.com aims at recruiting young people with fewer opportunities to act as ‘change makers’

EmpoweringYou – Empowerment of young EU citizens through a gamified virtual collaboration platform for political and civic participation The project aims to enhance the basic

CITISPYCE: Combating inequalities through innovative social practices of and for young people in cities across Europe Social practices for combating inequalities against young people. Grant

CaBuReRa – Capacity Building Relay Race CaBuReRA’s overall objective was to reduce youth unemployment in the Mediterranean region through youth mobility and professional training. Project

THEAM – Training healthcare multidisciplinary teams on children’s rights and on child-friendly justice THEAM aims at integrating training on children’s rights and child-friendly justice into

Youth2Work: Career Support for Unemployed Youth Better access to labour market for youth unemployed, especially NEETs. Grant Agreement Number: 2012-1-CH1-LEO05-00391 Funded by: Leonardo Da Vinci