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Care4Carers aims to fill the gap in support provision by strengthening the position of family carers through the development of an innovative support program designed to address carers’ specific needs.

Grant Agreement Number: 2021-1-AT01-KA220-ADU-000035098

Funded by: Erasmus+     Duration: 01/02/2022 – 01/12/2023


Family carers (or informal caregivers) provide unpaid support to an aging, chronically ill, or disabled relative or friend. They provide the majority of all long-term care in Europe, with an especially heavy burden falling on women. The work of family carers is both physically and mentally demanding and often requires a complete lifestyle change and shift in priorities. Due to the nature of their work, carers find it often difficult to effectively combine care, career, and personal life, which may result in a lack of privacy, professional growth, and free time. In order to minimize the negative impacts of caregiving, well-designed support structures are needed.le difficulty to handle relationships safely and with healthy approaches.


Care4Carers aims to help family (informal) carers combine family care work with their professional career by strengthening their position through the development of an innovative support program designed to address carers’ specific needs.  


The Online Hub for family carers will include a variety of interactive training modules with e-learning materials and webinars, a wide range of information on specific topics with respect to informal care and work, labour market integration, legal aspects, funding and support and a networking area to share experiences

Counseling guidelines will be the key resource for counselors and adult educators who (will) work with the target group of family carers. The guidelines aim at improving competencies and coaching techniques of professionals and sensitize them to the specific life situation and needs of family carers

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Bupnet Bildung Und Projekt Netzwerkgmbh (Germany)
Center for Social Innovation
Die Berater
Unternehmensberatungs Gesellschaft MBH

Enaip Veneto Impresa Sociale
Sosu Ostjylland

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