
Eco – Therapy for people with substance abuse disorders

The project aspires to provide drug & alcohol abuse counsellors with a new and innovative tool for recovery and rehabilitation, the eco-therapy methodology.

Grant Agreement Number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000025287

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 28-02-2022 – 27-02-2024


Eco-therapy is a formal type of therapeutic treatment, which involves doing outdoor activities in nature. It can include activities that focus on: working in nature, such as gardening – experiencing nature, such as physical activity in nature, cycling, etc. Eco-therapy, especially structured eco-therapy that incorporates aspects of psychotherapy and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is found to be effective in managing health disorders. However, despite the research done in the field of eco-therapy and its impact on health disorders, this method is still not utilized in the field of substance abuse disorders in Europe.


The goal of this project is to assist drug and alcohol abuse counsellors in their efforts to help and guide individuals struggling with substance abuse disorders by developing a novel and cutting-edge VET program for the emerging methodology of eco-therapy.


The guide outlines the benefits, best practices and testimonies for the use of eco-therapy and provides practical guidelines on how to develop VET courses in the corresponding field.

The curriculum aims to familiarize drug and alcohol abuse counsellors with eco-therapy so they can integrate it into their daily work

The digital toolkit is aimed at VET trainers who want to incorporate courses on eco-therapy in their teaching. It includes case studies on eco-therapy; Simulation exercises and role playing scenarios; Tests and quizzes; Questionnaires etc.

The curriculum on eco-therapy is also offered online for a larger number of interested professionals, mainly drug and alcohol abuse counsellors.



Guide for Therapy Centers [EN]
Guide for Therapy Centers [GR]

Curriculum [EN]
Curriculum [GR]

Digital Toolkit [EN]

MOOC Platform

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Education and Innovation Hub (Greece)
BUPNET – Bildung Und Project Netzwerkgmbh – Coordinator (Germany)
Formación para el Desarrollo e Inserción, Sociedad Limitada (Spain)
SOSU Ostjylland (Denmark)
OVAR FORMA – Ensino e Formacao, LDA (Portugal)

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