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Healthcare4ASD – Updating healthcare professionals VET for working with people with ASD

Healthcare4ASD aims at providing healthcare professionals with a new, innovative, and accessible learning opportunity on ASD.

Grant Agreement Number: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000025274

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 01/12/2021 – 30/11/2023


The prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has increased by 200% over the last 20 years. According to ASDEU (2018), the European Parliament project on ASD, one in 89 children is diagnosed with ASD in the European Union.

Within this context, one of the groups of professionals that interact most with ASD individuals are healthcare professionals, as they are 50 times more likely to work with people diagnosed with ASD. However, their limited general knowledge of ASD, let alone when there is no VET specialization on autism, and the unique characteristics of the ASD population pose a challenging situation that they should successfully manage and address in order to provide high-quality healthcare services.

For this reason, there is an intensified need not only for healthcare professionals to improve their knowledge on how to manage and treat ASD patients but also for VET to modernize their existing curricula and offer specialized training to this specific workgroup.


HealthCare4ASD is one of the first initiatives that is going to introduce the topic of ASD in VET for healthcare professionals. The ultimate goal is to provide them with a new and specialized learning opportunity on ASD in order to better manage and treat ASD patients taking into consideration the special characteristics of this group.  


The curriculum is helpful to VET providers and trainers, aiming to address the needs of healthcare professionals and healthcare professionals seeking to improve knowledge and skills for managing effectively ASD patients.

The curriculum will consist of the following topics:

  • What is ASD  & Areas of difference in ASD
  • Communication with individuals with ASD
  • Everyday healthcare practice for individuals with ASD- From the first to
  • the final consultation
  • Best practices and experiences in treating individuals with ASD

The toolkit is aimed at VET trainers active in organizing and delivering courses for healthcare professionals. It will assist the adoption of the curriculum by more VET institutions and trainers and will increase the efficacy and efficiency of training sessions organized.

The toolkit will include:

  • Case studies and scenario based exercises
  • Simulation and role playing exercises
  • Evaluation and diagnostic tests
  • Summative evaluation and quizzes

The tools produced under this stage will have various formats, such as ppt, texts, videos, images, mind maps etc.

Partners will organize youth programs in each participating country, which will include neurotypical and ASDyouth. In total 15 young people with ASD will take part in these pilot youth activities.

As the diagnosis for ASD is on the rise, VET has to respond to the current trends and emerging needs of healthcare professionals and offer specializations that will assist them when interacting with an ASD individual in their work. This roadmap will include comprehensive guidelines for VET institutions at national and European level in order to achieve the adoption of the curriculum by VET institutions across the EU.

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Project Partners

Afeji Hauts-de-France (France)
Project Coordinator
Arfie (Belgium)
CESUR (Spain)
Stiftelsen Kursverksamheten VId U-Auniversitet (Sweden)

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