State Of The European Union for Families: COFACE’s assessment of the EU’s work over the last 5 Years

On the occasion of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the International Day of Families, COFACE Families Europe organized on the 15th of May 2024 an event in Brussels to assess the results of the last 5-year mandate of the Von Der Leyen Commission and highlight some key messages ahead of the European elections.

Keynote speakers were:

  • Hilde Crevits, Vice Minister-President of the Flemish Government, Flemish Minister for Welfare, Public Health and Family
  • Annemie Drieskens, President
  • Chantal Bruno, Co-chair

You can read the full assessment here. Dr. Antonia Torrens, Vice President of COFACE Families Europe represented KMOP in this event.

You can also listen to the COFACE’s song “Raise Your Voice”, which is a call for action and collaboration among all European organizations and citizens to raise their voices for a strong social Europe for the years to come.

In the heart of Europe, a call to unite

To vote for a future that shines so bright

A strong social Europe let’s make it real

Where fairness and equality are the deal

Discover the 10 specific actions that COFACE believes should be integrated into the EU’s 2024-2029 programme. Also available in the Easy-to-read version here.

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