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A(RT)CTION for Climate Change

The A(rt)ction Project aims to put visual artists at the heart of the environmental movement and strengthen their role in raising awareness on climate change and encouraging sustainable social, economic, and environmental practices worldwide.

Grant Agreement Number: 2021-1-EL02-KA220-YOU-000029005

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 08/12/2021 – 08/12/2023


Climate change is the defining global challenge of our time. Rapid changes to the climate over the last years have already caused severe effects across human societies and natural systems everywhere. Reducing the drivers of climate change requires a substantial collective and individual effort and demands a transformation of our economy and our systems of production and consumption – from changing the ways we produce energy to how we consume goods and services.

To effect such a radical shift, build awareness around climate change and stimulate all social groups to become “Actors of Change”, we need to develop innovative ways of engaging them in this effort.


Α(rt)ction for Climate Change proposes a new innovative approach to fight climate change, which involves the influential power of visual arts. Specifically, it aims to enable behavior changes for individual preferences, consumption habits and lifestyle by training and educating young visual artists and youth workers on how they can capitalize on the influential power of arts and green entrepreneurship to contribute to a more sustainable future.


The content of the program is designed to meet the needs of creative young visual artists across the EU whose work is -or has the potential to be related to the environment (and therefore the potential to raise awareness about environmental challenges at a local, national and EU-level). The curriculum includes themes related to: The power of Arts to Trigger Change; Social and Green Entrepreneurship for Artists; The role of Digitization for Sustainability; New Ways to maximizing Environmental Impact through art; Artists in a Digitized World; Becoming Actors of Change for Climate Change, and other relevant modules.

The e-learning platform fosters, enriches and cultivates creative practices, stimulates intercultural engagement, and flourishes of creative mindsets and social action for a sustainable, greener future through theory and practice. It consists of a) the e-learning space (i.e., education), hosting all learning material by the trainers (including videos, PowerPoint slides, articles, etc.) and b) the Green Cross-Cultural Network for Collaboration and Awareness Raising.

The toolkit is aimed at youth workers and relevant art professionals and enables them on how to teach young artists to become successful Green Entrepreneurs/ Actors of Change. It offers  practical advice and guidance regarding creativity and how to develop it in order to raise awareness for environmental issues, with a special emphasis on visual artists and how to develop their creative practice to inspire behavioural and influence people to switch to more environmentally friendly habits.

The e-book aims to meet the needs of youth artists whose work is (or could be) used as a means to inspire action to switch to more environmentally conscious habits. It offers practical advice and guidance regarding arts and green entrepreneurship, with a special focus on how to teach visual artists to use their art to raise awareness for green issues, with a special emphasis on visual artists and how to develop their creative practice to inspire behavioral and influence people to be more environmentally conscious.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Greece)
Organization Earth (Greece)
Amazing Youth (Greece)
Artit (Greece)
CARDET (Cyprus)
InEuropa (Italy)
Interarts (Spain)

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