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Bonding – Facilitating intergenerational solidarity and learning through building friendships between youngsters and elderly

The project addresses the need for increasing the opportunities for youth active community engagement, and the need for strengthened support for the elderly.

Grant Agreement Number: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-YOU-000028897

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 01/11/2021 – 01/11/2023

Youngsters and Elderly


Older people in Europe tend to face multiple disadvantages, including loneliness and isolation that have been further aggravated due to the COVID-19 crisis. Their experiences of loneliness and isolation have disproportionally increased, negatively impacting their physical and mental health and exacerbating their vulnerability and social exclusion.

The pandemic has had serious ramification on young people as well, among other, disrupting their opportunities for active community engagement. Yet, there is an evidenced increase of young people’s ambition and interest for supporting the most vulnerable members of their communities.


The BONDING project aims at enhancing the opportunities for young people’s civic engagement, through strengthening their competences in designing and conducting innovative volunteering services for elderly people. This will be possible by establishing and maintaining volunteering services for the support of elderly, strengthening young people’s sense of active citizenship, fostering support for elderly and promoting intergenerational learning and solidarity.


In-depth mapping of the good practices in befriending services provided by youth in other European countries and lessons learned, as well as on exploring how can those practices be adapted and enhanced.

A comprehensive e-learning course tailored to young people, formal or informal associations of young people, youth and other organizations thinking of setting up a befriending service for elderly people, as well as for young people thinking of volunteering as befrienders.

A unique Toolkit for raising awareness of the importance of intergenerational solidarity and learning, the benefits of volunteering to young people and the benefits to elderly in remaining actively engaged in the community. The awareness raising tools will in particular encourage young people and elderly to join befriending networks, as well as encourage family members and professionals working elderly to refer them to befriending networks.

A platform that allows the creation of a personal profile, the sharing of texts, photos, blogs, videos and podcasts related to their experiences with befriending, as well as any learning or training materials that might be of benefit to others. The platform will also include a searchable database to find the contact details of registered befriending service providers in your respective country.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia)
ANS (Italy)
CARDET (Cyprus)
INTRAS (Spain)
PCG Polska Sp. z o.o. (Poland)

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