FreeAll – Inclusive services for all LGBTIQ people
FreeAll aims to enhance protection response of social, legal, health and judicial
services tailored and sensitive to the needs of LGBTIQ people survivors of GBV.
Grant Agreement Number: 101049610
Funded by: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV – 2021 – DAPHNE) Duration: February 2022 – January 2024

For more information on Free All and to see the results of the project visit:
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global challenge that has exacerbated inequalities prevalent in all regions of the world. On July 2020, IE SOGI concluded that the pandemic has a disproportionate impact on LGBTIQ persons: with few exceptions, the response to the pandemic reproduces and exacerbates the patterns of social exclusion and violence against this target group who is already highly exposed to violence and discrimination.
Furthermore, gender stereotypes, that are often unconscious bias, can influence the capacity of teachers, front-line workers, social and health operators and cultural mediators to identify and properly support LGBTIQ+ people (especially youths and migrants) at risk or victims of violence.
Within this context, urgent measures, considering the special needs of migrant and refugee LGBTIQ people and LGBTIQ youths, must be adopted by States and other stakeholders to ensure that pandemic responses are free from violence and discrimination.
The FreeAll project increases the awareness of front-line workers and teachers/educators on safety and well-being of LGBTIQ survivors by providing gender sensitive trainings, mutual learning and capacity building opportunities. Its ultimate goal is to scale up its model for inclusive protection services from national to EU level.

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