MIRAD-Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment Towards Disengagement

The MIRAD project aims to enhance the efficiency of radicalization disengagement and reintegration programs.

Project Number: 10103587

Funded by: ISFP      Duration: 01/01/2022-31/09/2023


The main identified challenge that MIRAD addresses is the lack of interinstitutional cooperation (NGO trustworthiness assessment tool, cooperation protocols), training in modern tools (VR scenarios), and tailored risk-assessment mechanisms (gender dimension) in the dimension of PCVE and VETO rehabilitation for the prison, probation and CSO field.


MIRAD aspires to foster expanded collaboration in the field of disengagement and reintegration programs between governmental bodies and trustworthy community organizations, by developing and applying ideology-specific risk assessment tools, attentive to relevant gender dimensions of appropriate interventions.


As the role of CSOs and NGOs is becoming more and more important for the criminal justice system, the MIRAD project attempts to create both a database of relevant NGOs and also a trustworthiness assessment tool.

MIRAD delivered innovative and needs-based training programs, based on adapted and complemented versions of relevant e-learnings (WayOut project).

This activity adapts previously prepared IRS frameworks into the dimensions of ideology (right-wing, Islamist), and gender.

This activity assesses the needs in terms of interinstitutional and multi-agency cooperation, in order to design specific transition collaboration baselines and provide policy recommendations via a policy paper.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

Project Partners

KMOP (Greece)
The Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers – Coordinator (France)
The Polish Platform for Homeland Security (PPHS) (Poland)
IACFP Europe (Belgium)
 Militants des Savoirs (France)
 Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies (Spain)
 Innovative Prison Systems (IPS)  (Portugal)
Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) (Bulgaria)

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