STAGE project concludes its actions on enhancing migrants’ social inclusion

KMOP, in cooperation with 4 other organisations in Europe, participated in the two-year Erasmus+ project STAGE that aimed to enhance the social inclusion of migrants in their host countries.

Among the project results was the drafting of a Comprehensive Report about the Needs of the Migrants in Italy, Germany, France, Cyprus and Greece. The research highlighted the main challenges experienced by migrants in receiving countries and the main needs identified.

The project consortium also developed a modern and innovative Web App to help enhance the digital and social skills of migrants. The app will support migrants, newcomers or not in the local communities, upon their arrival in the host country, but also in their everyday life.

In the context of the project, a training programme was developed for NGO volunteers, adult education staff and more generally people with a migration background, with the aim of helping them develop useful skills.

The project “STAGE – SupporTing migrAnt inteGration and combating racism at local level through digital servicEs” aims to foster social inclusion of migrants and their family members in their host countries, providing them with the necessary tools and resources to feel welcome and embraced. This three-way social inclusion approach includes an Interactive Map to share migration routes and stories, a Capacity Building program for adult staff working with migrants, and an innovative Web App for migrants.

Read more about the project’s actions and results in the 4th newsletter HERE.

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