FLIPPING – Development of Responsive Learning Environment Based On Flipping

The project will implement the flipped learning model, specifically the flipped classroom approach, for VET learners and new workers.

GA number: 2022-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000086046

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 31/12/2022-30/12/2024


The COVID-19 crisis posed a significant test for European educational systems, compelling governments to swiftly implement changes. The shift to online classes exposed the inflexibility of most EU educational systems, underscoring the necessity for alternative teaching methods.

Teachers, caught off guard by the transition, highlighted the inadequacy of relying solely on self-guided online learning. Research indicates that even in developed countries, higher dropout rates and decreased motivation were observed due to the absence of peer pressure and a structured learning environment.

To tackle these challenges, it is strongly advised to adopt blended-learning models, such as the one examined in a 2015 meta-analysis. Blended learning has proven to be more effective than exclusive face-to-face or online approaches and is well-suited to address the current demands of the labor market. Prioritising application-based and problem-solving-based approaches is crucial for the future advancement of societies.


The FLIPPING project aims to implement the innovative flipped learning model, specifically the flipped classroom approach, for VET learners and new workers. It involves shifting traditional homework activities to home, while learners engage with concepts in the classroom with mentor guidance. The project will develop materials for learners, teachers, and involved parents to enhance the training process.


As part of the project, partners will create and evaluate 16 resource sets for VET learners, comprising self-learning materials like lesson plans, videos, and other resources, as well as face-to-face learning materials with tutor guidance, including lesson plans and exercises. The primary focus for self-learning will be on video content, considering the preference of young learners for visual material. These resources are intended to improve learning strategies and will be accessible in all partner languages through an online learning portal.

The training program, designed for VET education providers, will consist of 60 hours of training. This will include 30 hours of self-directed online learning and 30 hours of classroom activities. To support the training program, a Handbook on how to use the Online Learning Portal, which is part of the project, will be provided. All project results will be available on this Online Learning Portal. The entire training program, along with its different language versions, will be uploaded to the e-Learning portal. Before completing the project, 10 VET educators per country (60 in total) will participate in piloting the in-service training program to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.

The Flipped Learning Festival will be held in Greece to present the tools and resources produced to education professionals, educational institutions’ staff, policymakers, learners and parents.

The content of this description represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project Partners

Organization Logo_KMOP Edu Hub
KMOP Education and Innovation Hub, Greece
Asociacija MINTIES BITES, Lithuania
Rightchallenge – Associação, Portugal
Acumen Training Sp. z o.o., Poland
Empresas CON VALORES, Spain

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