SupportCARE – Support Informal Caregivers for Better Future of Dementia Patients
The project aims to empower and support informal carers of people with dementia and to break the stigma around dementia.
Grant Agreement Number: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000088989
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/11/2022 – 31/10/2024

According to WHO, dementia currently affects around 10 million people in the European Region, and its prevalence is expected to double by 2030. Increasing understanding of the experience of dementia is crucial to meet the dementia challenge of an aging population. Generally, care for people with dementia can be organized in inpatient and outpatient care structures. However, in the European Union, 60% of care is provided by informal carers, who play a central role in the provision of long-term care in Europe. Yet, despite the heavy price they often pay in their own health and economic status, they remain in the blind spot. Being a carer may involve considerable physical, psychological, economic and domestic challenges. Such challenges and stresses, sometimes called carer burden, can affect aspects of carers’ wellbeing; they may feel isolated and lack time to reflect on their own needs and regain energy. It may also affect their own health, resulting in fatigue, sleeping problems, weight loss, depression, anxiety and an increased risk of death.
SupportCARE was born as an opportunity to empower and support informal carers of people with dementia and to break the stigma around dementia. Its aim is to empower and support informal carers of dementia patients, and offer them the tools and knowledge to prevent negative impacts on their own health and well-being. The innovative aspect of the project is that for the first time an Erasmus project dealing with dementia is going to deploy simulation-based education and Virtual Reality elements in training and upskilling informal carers.

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