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META-COIN – META-COmpetences for INternational Working Environments

Developing an optional training path and online material of future meta-skills, international and multicultural skills.

Grant Agreement Number: 2022-1-FI01-KA220-VET-000086285

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 01/11/2022 – 31/10/2025


As a result of the globalisation of the labour market and demographic changes, working environments diversify. Future workers will need new meta-skills to cope and include in multiplied work environments. Meta-skills are particularly important to help people adapt to change. This brings increasingly added value for businesses regardless of their size, capacity and internationalisation. However, what is not very common is that Meta-skills are largely undeveloped and quite unrecognised formally during recruitment. As companies aim to provide innovative solutions to businesses, we clearly think that meta-skills will form the next decade of working and this motivates us towards developing these skill competences. Globally, Meta-skills are recognised as timeless, higher order skills that promote success, and provide learners with greater employability skills, which is a catalyst for learning new skills faster. Although Meta-Skills are relatively new globally it has been recognised that they need to be embedded in employability training, both off-the-job and on-the -job training, for learners through vocational training on work-experience.


The META-COIN project aims to develop an optional training path and online material of future meta-skills, international and multicultural skills. Its innovation lies in highlighting this new need of meta-skills, intercultural skills and competence. Project training will provide trainees with the skills to further develop and describe their META-Skills journey using a reflective practice based upon their training pathway.


The META-COIN project will develop a best practice repository in order to identify skills needed for the future working life 2025-2035, identify challenges of encountering cultures by meeting customers and employees, taking into account diversity and equality in the workplace. This action includes: a national report gathering best practices on VET and CVET training curricula and training programmes for each country of the partnership, accompanied by a collective European report with regional good practices and training provisions; a national report on existing meta skills and gaps in skills provision in each of the partnership countries, accompanied by a collective European report; a synthesis report deriving from the interviews from companies identified as a target group to find out the benefits of multiple working life environments and research on how intercultural skills have been trained in work context in the different partnership countries; the final version of the Good practice guide, available in all the languages of the consortium.

Partners will create a structured working e-platform populated with project training materials, provide the topics chosen in meta-skills and internationalisation skills accessible at EQF-levels 3-6 and provide an upskilling pathway. Materials will contain reading, writing, and gamified parts as well as transfer exercises for individual learning and peer learning. Materials will include, Meta-Skills profiling, assessment tools, record of meta-skills development and the meta-skills training materials.

The training will be piloted and modified in cooperation with the education system and the labour market. The aim is to pilot the course in educational organisations and companies, in social and health care sector, in elderly care, to pilot with kindergarten staff and students, with service sector staff and students, with some different sector such as ICT and students, as well as within the General education sector staff and students. The course will be piloted in workplaces, while the material and methods will be modified according to the feedback gathered from companies.



📄 Leaflet – English
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📄 Leaflet – Hungarian
📄 Leaflet – Italian

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Project Partners

KMOP – Policy Center (Belgium)
OMNIA (Finland)
Padmanau Studio (Germany)
ENGIM (Italy)
36.6 Competence Centre Scotland (UK)
Artemisszio Foundation (Hungary)
Syncnify (France)

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