Young Demo

Young Leaders United for Democracy

Young Demo aims to support youth democratic and civic engagement and to reinforce the importance of citizen involvement and representation in the European decision-making process.

Grant Agreement Number: 101081584

Funded by: CERV      Duration: 1/10/2022 – 01/10/2024


Citizen engagement and right to participation were often overlooked across Europe, while the constant sociopolitical changes of the last two years, as well as the health restrictions and safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID19 enhanced the phenomenon.

The lack of stability and trust in the government is affecting society in ways we are still researching, and the most affected groups are children and youth.  According to “The Pandemic scar on young people: The social, economic and mental health impact of COVID-19 on young people in Europe”, developed by the European Youth Forum, nearly one in five young people, who are not in education, employment or training, experience discrimination when looking for work. Young people in marginalized situations were more than twice as likely to have stopped working than other young people and around three-quarters of students in marginalized situations believed that they were learning significantly less or slightly less as a result of the pandemic.

Therefore, designing and creating opportunities for networking, and facilitating the right to participation for all children and youth, especially for underprivileged groups, is an essential tool for supporting them on a long term, providing them with tools that will boost citizens’ awareness of rights and values, and increasing their engagement in society and with the EU.


By utilizing up-to date media channels, that can promote civic debates and round tables, and focusing on reaching young people from underserved groups, Young Demo aims to support youth democratic and civic engagement and to reinforce the importance of citizen involvement and representation in the European decision-making process.


The Mentorship Programme for young leaders aims to develop Youth Consultative Councils that enhance their in the civic and democratic life and boost citizens participation at the 2024 European Parliament Elections. This activity includes online mentoring events and online European Young Leaders Debate on the thematic of youth engagement and European civic participation.

The European study visits for the members of Young Leaders to EU Agencies aims to foster the European identity and enhance the importance of their representation in the European decision-making process. Additionally, media campaigns and events are to raise awareness on young’s people democratic rights, targeting in particular the most disadvantaged ones.

At the core of this activity are the national public consultations, which sets the start of the national photovoice competition, that tackles the topic of combating disinformation and national extremism among the partner countries. The national finalist of the photovoice competition will be invited to present their works in an European Youth Event organized online and will debate what role young people have in the democratic process, along with all the EU opportunities offered.

National advocacy activities include local multiplier events for promoting 2024 European Parliament Elections, trainings to professionals working with children and youth, media advocacy campaigns, local youth events, online consultation meetings. These activities aim to boost more than 7.000 youth’ awareness of rights and values and increase their engagement in society and with the EU and enable them to make informed decisions by helping them identify and counter disinformation.

📄 Newsletter on the in-situ campaigns

📄 Event Description Sheet

📄 Watchdog Monitoring Report

The use of social media channels, with emphasis on TikTok, and virtual exchanges is an effective method to raise awareness and promote EU values, institutions and benefits towards young people.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Greece)
Fundatia World Vision Romania (Romania)
Associazione Fromazione Professonale Del Patronato San Vincenzo (Italy)
Culture Goes Europe (CGE) – Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt EV (Germany)
Zavod Jnana Bhakti Prada Trust (Slovenia)
6 Asociatia Europuls (Romania)
EU Diaspora Council (Sweden)
Kypriakos Organismos Kentron Neotitas (KOKEN) LTD (Cyprus)

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