Youth work sheds LIGHT to unconscious bias and invisible Racism

LIGHT harnesses the power of youth work to address unconscious bias and invisible racism.

GA number: KA220-YOU-155580C9

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 11/2023-10/2025


In today’s European societies, biases, racism, and discrimination persist despite strides towards progress. Findings from the “Multiple Discrimination & Young People in Europe” report revealed that a staggering 77.1% of young respondents have faced discrimination based on various factors. Furthermore, additional research indicates that 40% of individuals hold unconscious biases towards specific genders and ethnicities. 

This bleak reality has highlighted the critical need for intensified efforts to combat discrimination against youth. 


LIGHT endeavors to transform youth work into a powerful tool for addressing biases and racism among young people, while simultaneously fostering inclusivity within society.


The “LIGHT” Toolkit for Youth Workers consists of a short introduction to unconscious bias and invisible racism, non-formal exercises on the topic and youth work experiments that reveal young people’s unconscious bias.

The LIGHT one-stop corner is a valuable youth work tool for non-formal learning and raising awareness on unconscious biases & invisible racism.

It hosts a youth work toolbox, bias self-revealing test points and awareness raising materials.

The MOOC is aimed at youth workers and covers topics such as, i) unconscious bias & invisible racism (root triggers, manifestations, categories, causes, effects, symptoms, challenges, possible solutions, effects on young people’s lives and relationships etc.), ii) project methodologies (Role Playing, Theater of the oppressed, storytelling and other non-formal learning methodologies as effective non formal learning techniques for youth work on the specific and other topics, general guidelines for their practical application) and 3) practical application of the produced youth work tools.

The capacity-building cycles aim to provide youth workers with the knowledge needed to organize and implement activities that recognize and prevent biased and racist behaviors against youth.

The youth activities aspire to sensitize young people on the topic of unconscious bias and invisible racism, to help them understand how these phenomena affect individuals and stimulate them to undertake vital role in addressing them.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Partners

KMOP – Education and Innovation Hub (Greece)
Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme (LICRA), Coordinator (France)
Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania Edukacji I Przedsiebiorczosci (Poland)
Stichting Radio La Benevolencija/Humanitarian Tools Foundation (Netherlands)
Centro Per Lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci



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