REFUGIN – Communitarian approach for a holistic young refugee long-term integration
REFUGIN aims to improve young refugees’ medium-to-long-term integration, by capacitating educational and NGO professionals in their work with refugees.
Project Number: 2022‐1‐FR02‐KA220‐YOU‐000088283
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2025
Since 2015, many people have been fleeing their countries because of war and persecution, and they’ve been arriving in Europe to seek safety. The situation has gotten worse in 2021, with the Taliban taking control of Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine, causing millions more to flee. These people face many challenges when they arrive in Europe. Some of the problems include not getting the help they need to settle into their new lives and having to deal with societies that do not accept them because they’re migrants.
To help refugees in Europe, we need to do two things: First, we should make sure they get more than just the basics they need to survive when they arrive. This will help them build better lives in the future. Second, we need to stop people from believing false information and being suspicious of refugees.
REFUGIN aims to help young refugees settle into their new lives in Europe for the long term. We will achieve this by training the people who work with them (mainly educational and NGO practitioners), so they can help the refugees build better futures, while also promoting diversity and understanding in Europe, to help everyone get along better.