Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education

CSAPE aims to improve the prevention of child sexual abuse and assistance to victims.

Grant Agreement Number: 101083832

Funded by: Internal Security Fund (ISF)      Duration: 01-01-2023 – 31-12-2024


Every child has a right to grow in a safe environment and enjoy the best possible health, which includes well-balanced sexual health. To acquire well-balanced sexual health, children need evidence-based sexual education already from early childhood. Sexual education that is started early supports the child’s development and provides the child with information and skills to better protect themselves and other children.


The project endeavors to prevent child sexual abuse by increasing the knowledge and skills of professionals, children (aged 5-11), young people ( 11-17), and parents through an evidence-based sexual education program.


The survey aims to map the attitudes and practices of children and youth concerning their online behaviour, ability to recognize potentially dangerous situations online, and awareness of available reporting and support mechanisms in case of online abuse in their respective countries.

The evidence based sexual education is addressed to children, professionals working with children (aged 5-11) and parents. Its aim is to ensure that children have the skills and knowledge to express their sexuality in a safe manner and protect themselves from CSA, improve the capacity of professionals working with children on how to conduct sexual education trainings, and to raise awareness to parents of young children about addressing sexual-related topics and preventing abuse.

The trainings for professionals working with young people are focused on the topic of sexual interest in children among young people. The goal is to lower the threshold for a young person to speak openly with a safe professional, opening the possibility to seek help.

The material is a short guide, 1-2 pages, which contains information on the available national services that young people can contact when they want to discuss their sexual interest and how to live without offending.

Two types of information content are available. The first is aimed at professionals working with young people and includes material on the topic of sexual interest in children. The second is aimed at young population looking for services and support available in their country for people with a sexual interest in children.



📄 Synthesis of the training package and its annexes [EN]

📄 Synthesis of the training package and its annexes [GR]

📄 Brochure for Children [EN]

📄 Brochure for Children [GR]

📄 Brochure for Young People [EN]

📄 Brochure for Young People [GR]

📄 Brochure for Professionals [EN]

📄 Material for Young People [EN]

📄 Material for Parents [EN]

📄 Material for Parents [GR]

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Greece)
Save the Children Finland – Coordinator (Finland)
Barnaheill – Save the Children Iceland (Iceland)
Save the Children Albania (Albania)
Save the Children International -North Western Balkans (United Kingdom)

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