WINGS – Supporting Women survivors of trafficking through a Comprehensive Integration Programme

Wings project is to support women survivors of trafficking through the implementation of a comprehensive integration program.

Project Number: 101038321

Funded by: AMIF        Duration: 01/02/2022-31/01/2024


Trafficking in human beings (THB) is a gross violation of fundamental rights and explicitly prohibited by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. People are trafficked for different purposes, with sexual exploitation to remain the most prevalent one.  Victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation registered in the EU are, in the great majority, women, and girls (more than 90%). For this reason, the European Institute for Gender Equality defines this crime as a “gendered, severe, and sustained form of violence against women with severe consequences, including psychological, physical and sexual harms.

Despite the fact that concrete measures are being taken by EU member states to address trafficking and support victims, there is still insufficient focus on trafficking for sexual exploitation in the EU, including when it comes to investigations and taking into account the gender aspect of the crime.

Within this context, research conducted during the Heal project revealed the need for integrated language teaching to women victims of trafficking, as local language proficiency is key for integration, as well as the need for group psychological support and tailored employment guidance which are key determinants for improving their living conditions.


WINGS is to contribute to the enhanced integration of third-country national women VoT through a multi-layered action that includes linguistic and psychological support, individual and tailored labor market counseling, and integration into the local labor market through individual internship offers.


The framework will include three main sections:

  • survivor-centered language teaching, including, but not limited to storytelling and narrative approach to language teaching.
  • psychological support through ethno-psychology
  • tailored employment counseling to TCN women VoT, including considerations about the use of symbols in survivor-centered counseling (Symfos methodology) and personalized employment guidance (TOLERANT methodology).

The comprehensive survivor-centered integration support program will include language training sessions with psychological support and personalized employment counseling for effective integration in the host society and labor market of TCN women VoT. Training and counseling will be accompanied by tailored internships that will provide participating women with the opportunity to gain new practical work experience and apply their newly acquired language skills.

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Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
CESIE (Italy)
Project Coordinator
SURT (Spain)
PAYOKE (Belgium)
LIBERA (Italy)

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