Tightening up the Victims’ Empowering Systems in Albania 

TVESA aims to support the victims of gender-based violence and human trafficking in Albania.

Project Number: IPA 2022/432-378

Funded by: EuropeAid      Duration: 05/2022 – 04/2025



The main challenge TVESA aims to address is the high number of victims of gender-based violence, including trafficking, and the inadequacy of the support system to provide long-term care and empowerment, leading to frequent relapses into violence.

Although Albania has made legal advancements to protect against domestic violence, effective implementation is crucial as the problem remains severe. Additionally, reports show an increase in sex crimes, and the Municipality of Shkodёr struggles with the reintegration process, with many cases relapsing into violence.


TVESA seeks to fill a crucial gap in services available to victims of trafficking and domestic violence in Albania, with the primary aim of creating a supportive environment that facilitates their recovery and journey towards independence.

This project focuses on fostering partnerships at the local level to enhance social inclusion through the provision of integrated services within the social care sector in the Municipality of Shkodra.


The need assessment and gap analysis focuses on social care services for victims of trafficking and people vulnerable to trafficking: victims of violence, abuse, children and youth who have lived in residential institutions in Shkodёr and what labour market could offer to these categories.

The main goal is to understand the functioning of the protection system in Shkodёr, and how it can fill its gaps and be “tightened up”.

Provision of mutual learning workshops, peer-to-peer support, and coordination aimed at enhancing the capacity of CSO field professionals and Municipality staff, facilitating knowledge transfer and strengthening competencies in victim service provision.

The Club will have three parts: 1. Socialization and Recreation for both children and adults activities; 2. Business management activities; 3. Afterschool care for children.

All the professionals involved will make efforts that the Club is increasingly not considered as place that they receive services but rather as a place that can and should be visited to exercise their right for community life and for community initiatives, including taking in protection the ones that are in need.

This initiative involves providing professional childcare services during times when mothers are working, including hours outside of regular public childcare availability.

This initiative provides support in launching businesses run by victims themselves, alongside an online store, including: training in business management and finance, assistance with marketing and branding.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Partners

KMOP, Greece
Different & Equal (Coordinator), Albania
Municipality of Shkodra, Albania



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