Wealthy Minds focuses on the role of financial literacy in empowering women and girls and helping them overcome poverty.

Grant Agreement Number: 2021-2-PL001-KA220-YOU-0000488574

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 31/05/2022 – 31/05/2024


Data show that 19% of the European Union population consists of children, with 22.2% of them being at risk of poverty, while girls are in the most vulnerable position. Specifically, for children who live in a household struggling to meet basic needs, it is more challenging to have access to quality education, nutrition, clothing, various facilities for everyday usage, as well as free time activities. Since poverty has severe repercussions on children’s living conditions, it is important to support them and their families to overcome the difficulties they face and help them thrive.


The Wealthy Minds project aims to lift young girls and women from poverty-related exclusion by educating them on how to be financially competent and better manage their personal finances.


The report identifies the exact situation of girls and young women at risk of inheriting poverty.

Wealthy Minds Report (Greek)

Wealthy Minds Article (Greek)

The educational kit “Wealthy Minds” is addressed to NGOs and youth workers working with girls and young women at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Its main goal is to help girls and young women, mainly aged 13-25, gain knowledge in order to make informed and effective decisions with their personal finances.

The toolkit covers the following topics: Psychology of Money, Financial Planning and Setting Financial Goals, Management of personal budget, Digital Finance.



NGOs professionals and youth workers will pilot test the training program “Wealthy Minds”  to fine-tune it. The workshops will include topics such as financial education, self-management and budgeting among girls and young women.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Greece)
Fundacja Innowacja i Wiedza (Coordinator – Poland)
CESIE (Italy)
Polska Rada Organizacji Mlodziezowych (Poland)

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