SILVER – Promoting a Career in the Third Age
An Erasmus+ project aiming for more age-friendly workplaces and more older workers with increased job satisfaction.
Grant Agreement Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-078907
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/09/2020 – 31/08/2023
EU faces a rise of labour force participation of older people. According to the European Central Bank, since 2000, the labour force participation rate of older workers showed the largest increase in the euro area when compared to other age cohorts. The participation rate has been increasing for almost all age groups. Yet, while it has been rising only modestly for those below the age of 55, and even slightly decreasing for the 15-24 age group, the participation rate has increased since 2000 by around 15 percentage points for those in the euro area aged between 55 and 74. For those aged between 55 and 64 years, the rise has been well over 20 percentage points.
At the same time, the EU faces challenges in promoting older people’s rights and respecting their added value in a “silver economy”, and interventions should begin to focus also on the anticipation of the third age (AGE Platform 2015). Adult- and non-formal learning are key to address societal challenges and the participation of older people in education is mostly employer-supported. Employers play an important role on active ageing practices by providing “relevant and efficient training” or “measures supporting lifestyle adaptations” (Adult Education in EU 2019, Global Report on Adult Learning 2019, EU Employers’ organisations, 2012).
In this framework, there is a common need in EU countries for a new approach in human resources policies that promotes active ageing, and proactive, rather than reactive, age management practices.
The SILVER project aims to create a coordinated response for the promotion of a career in the third age. It seeks more age-friendly workplaces and more older workers with increased job-satisfaction, raising awareness among employers and employees and increasing the ability of managers and HR staff to implement tailor-made measures.