The STOP AR game is ready!


The STOP AR game that was developed as part of the Erasmus+ project “STOP – Stop child abuse through effective training and augmented reality” is ready and has been tested by the end users!

The game is an AR quiz aiming to assist young individuals (9-18 years old) to understand the issue of sexual inappropriate behavior and abuse through real life scenarios. It comprises the following topics: sexual inappropriate behavior, inappropriate touching, Sexting (Receiving, Sharing) and Grooming.

STOP aims to decrease sexual abuse and exploitation of children by offering an innovative learning methodology for youth workers and other professionals on sexual abuse prevention. The project wants to provide new approaches and tools to youth workers/ educators, based on the AR game to fight child adverse experience both online and offline.

Find out more about the AR game in STOP’s latest newsletter!

You can download the AR game HERE!

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