ACTIVE | New educational platform for sports professionals and organizations


Available now for free is the new educational platform, which has been developed in the framework of ACTIVE project and aims at tackling the violence against children in sports environments. The educational platform is aimed at sports clubs and organizations, coaches, volunteers that work with children and want to enhance their skills and knowledge in identifying and preventing violence against children in sports, as well as in developing child protection policies.

Specifically, the Capacity-Building Programme aspires to develop and implement child safeguarding policies and promoting a safe and child-friendly environment in sports and leisure activities’ organisations. The Capacity-Building Programme consists of 6 modules:

  • Putting child safeguarding in sports and leisure activities in perspective
  • Identifying and countering incidents of violence in sports/ leisure activities
  • Offering a fun and enjoyable environment for children in sports/ leisure activities
  • Preventing violence against children in sports/ leisure activities
  • Challenges and good practices in the development of safeguarding policies in sports
  • Developing a child safeguarding policy for sports/ leisure activities organization

The educational program is available in English, Greek, Italian and Portuguese, while after the completion of all modules, the participants can download the certificate of attendance. Register now for free:

By attending this online free course, you will be able to:

  • Define violence and harassment of children in sports
  • Identify and prevent bullying against children
  • Identify threats that children face in the field of sport and other leisure activities
  • Follow essential steps and techniques to prevent or if needed address incidents of violence and harassment against the children they work with
  • Describe child safeguarding practices in sports and leisure activities in sport
  • Describe best practices and methods to ensure children safeguarding in the context of sport and leisure activities
  • Implement tested approaches to support children and ensure that their organization offers a ‘safe’ and ‘welcoming’ environment
  • Explain the necessity to develop child safeguarding practices
  • Develop and implement child safeguarding policies in the sport or leisure organization they work for

Let’s join our forces to promote a safer sports environment for all children!

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us here: [email protected]

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A few words about ACTIVE

ACTIVE – funded by the Rights Equality and Citizenship Programme – aims at establishing safer environments for children by developing an online self-assessment tool, allowing sports and leisure clubs to identify and address gaps in terms of implementation of Child Protection Polices in their premises. The project is being implemented in Greece by KMOP, in Italy by CESIE, in Cyprus by CARDET, in Portugal by CESIS and in Scotland by Children 1st.

Download the press release here.

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