EMBRACE: Fostering Inclusion of Children with Intellectual Disabilities

KMOP participated in the European initiative EMBRACE during the past two years, cooperating with 5 European organisations to help promote inclusion in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC).

In this context, on 30 November, the final meeting of the Embrace project took place in Brussels, where the partners discussed ways to encourage the further exploitation of the project results by ECEC professionals. These include the following useful resources:

  • Transnational Report with in-depth insights on the state of play in each of the participating countries regarding the opportunities for initial and ongoing education of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) professionals on the successful inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities.
  • E-learning course for ECEC professionals, with the aim to strengthen their attitudes, knowledge, values, and skills that are central to ensuring that ECEC settings are welcoming and inclusive of children with intellectual disabilities.
  • Inclusion Handbook aimed at fostering inclusive environments for children with intellectual disabilities though the engagement and collaboration of all stakeholders (colleagues, children, parents and other community members).
  • Awareness-raising Toolkit addressed to ECEC settings with useful and effective resources for raising awareness of the importance of inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities in early childhood education and care.

The EMBRACE project is an Erasmus+ project, running between January 2022 and December 2023 with the objective to contribute to the enhancement of the quality of early childhood education and care through the inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities. The partner organisations are from Belgium (EASPD), Greece (KMOP and RDPSEA), Poland (Teatr Grodzki), Cyprus (Emphasys Centre) and North Macedonia (KMOP Skopje).

Read more in our 4th newsletter here.

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