Exploring initiatives that empower youth in Estonia (Video)

Rural Youth Future Team

On June 12 and 13, 2024, KMOP participated in a fruitful study visit in Estonia, hosted by Tartu County for Rural Youth Future partners and their stakeholders, and explored the impactful stories of Estonian youth initiatives.

During the visit, participants explored Estonia’s inspiring youth programs designed to empower young people in rural areas. They engaged in rich discussions, exchanged ideas, and shared best practices with local stakeholders, drawing inspiration to enhance youth employability in their communities.

On the first day, participants discussed strategic perspectives and employment opportunities for inactive youth in Tartu County with local stakeholders. The second day featured visits to Elva Municipality and Nõo Municipality, where participants learned about successful practices empowering rural youth from local representatives.

🎥 Get a glimpse of our study visit in Tartu County in just 120 seconds!

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