Interviews | How municipalities in Brussels advance climate neutrality

In April 2024, KMOP conducted interviews with key figures involved in municipal climate initiatives in Brussels. Jonathan Lukas, Climate Plan Coordinator, and Maria Giovanna Zamburlini, European Programme and Financing Officer at Schaerbeek Municipality, shared their perspectives on Schaerbeek’s ambitious Climate Plan.

They outlined the municipality’s major objectives, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, achieving carbon neutrality, and enhancing resilience to climate impacts. Mr. Lukas and Mrs. Zamburlini also discussed the specific initiatives Schaerbeek is implementing, the challenges they encounter, and the strategic benefits of maintaining a focused climate strategy. This approach not only drives local climate action but also plays a crucial role in securing essential EU funding.

Watch the full interview below:

In a separate interview, KMOP spoke with Solenn Koç, Climate Plan Coordinator at the Woluwe-Saint-Lambert municipality. Mr. Koç detailed their Climate Plan’s dual approach, which emphasizes both mitigation and adaptation. He highlighted the ambitious goal of reaching climate neutrality by 2050, the difficulties of engaging citizens and coordinating across municipal departments, and the vital importance of inter-municipal collaboration to ensure the plan’s success.

Watch the full interview below:

These interviews were conducted as part of the European project “Cities Go Climate Neutral” which supports cities in their transition to climate neutrality through innovative solutions and collaborative efforts.

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