KMOP | 5 initiatives that boost inclusive education

inclusive education

A promising initiative to promote an inclusive education, where all students can unleash their potential regardless of their socio-economic background, is being launched by the European Commission, which published on 30 June 2022 a Proposal for a Council Recommendation on “Pathways to school success“.

This initiative includes a set of actions and measures aiming, among others, to address the early-school leaving, reduce the underperformance in basic skills and enhance students’ well-being at school. The need to address these issues is becoming even more important today as, according to the EC, more than 3.2 million people aged 18-24 are early leavers from education and training, while 84.3% (of the 20–24-year-old) have completed upper secondary education. At the same time, covid19 may increase the likelihood for students at risk of leaving school to actually drop out and had detrimental effects on their mental health and well-being in general.

At KMOP, we design and implement evidence-based interventions, aimed at educators and students, that improve access to quality education, address shortcomings in the education systems and foster a more inclusive and supportive school environment for all. Below, we present a glimpse of our initiatives that contribute towards this endeavor.

  • Integrating migrant and refugee students into the education system of their host countries

We are collaborating with universities and research centers to map and promote effective practices in education in 6 European countries in order to improve academic performance and ensure the successful integration of migrant and refugee students into the education system of their host countries. Simultaneously, we are coordinating 46 pilots of these educational practices in schools, receptions & identifications centers, and institutionalized residential care targeted to unaccompanied minors and separated from their families children.

Furthermore, we have created three booklets – for Primary, lower Post Primary and upper Post Primary pupils – aiming to help teachers and educators assess these children’s prior knowledge. The booklets are tailored to address the challenges and needs faced by migrant and refugee children, such as minimal native and/or English language skills, cultural differences and psychological traumas.

  • Preventing youth from early school leaving

We have developed an early warning platform that enables educators to apply innovative pedagogical methods and identify youth at risk of dropping out of school.

  • Managing LGBTI+ issues in the school environment

We have developed an online platform for educators and school advisors on how to successfully manage and address LGBTI+ issues at school.

  • Enhancing the digital and social well-being in schools

We designed a training material for teachers that aims to enhance the digital and social well-being of their students. In doing so, we seek to help children develop the appropriate skills in order to lead a healthy online life and boost their social well-being.

To find out more about our initiatives, aiming to promote a more inclusive school environment, click at the following link:

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