Integrating Sustainable Waste Management into the VET Sector

KMOP presents its new initiative to assist VET providers in implementing sustainable waste management practices.

GROWS at a glance

The GROWS project aims to raise awareness and empower the VET sector on the significance of sustainable waste management and the environment while improving the capacity of VET providers/trainers to implement activities in the field of environmental education with a focus on sustainable waste management and increase the levels of competences of VET providers on preparing and implementing a green education action plan.

The GROWS objectives are to:

  • Build the capacity of the VET providers to implement sustainable waste management practices in the field of environmental education through an interactive gamified E-learning Platform
  • Improve the competences of the VET providers’ to prepare and implement a green education action plan by participating in the Training Programme
  • Raise awareness about the significance of decreasing waste to VET providers and learners

Develop innovative pedagogical learning material and resources for the VET sector to promote environmental awareness and improve VET learner’s green skills, aligned with the GreenComp.

The team behind GROWS:

An international consortium will be responsible for the implementation of the project:

Kick-off meeting: 19-20 March 2024; Nicosia, Cyprus

During the meeting were presented national specificities of waste management, useful ideas from Poland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal and Italy and good practices were discussed and shared.

An innovative electronic learning platform is going to be developed, through which topics as recycling, separation and sustainable waste management will be taught in an interesting and interactive way.

Meanwhile, follow GROWS on Facebook to learn more about the project and its results.


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