The rural-urban youth handbook for collective and green entrepreneurship

After more than 18 months of intense work, the YURI project is coming to an end and we are extremely happy to share “The rural-urban youth handbook for collective and green entrepreneurship”

The Rural-urban youth handbook for Collective and green entrepreneurship aims to critically address, with a hands-on practical approach, the overlap among climate action, social economy, and youth inclusion from a holistic, systemic, skill-building, and proactive perspective.  It includes:

  1. the results of the desk research, 27 good practices, and interviews conducted by partner organizations;
  2. 30 activities to foster dialogue between rural and urban youth and 32 activities to facilitate the development of the competencies needed to undertake social, sustainable, and collective initiatives through creative methods;
  3. a summary of the institutions, policies, tools, and funding that support youth entrepreneurship;
  4. and finally, a series of policy recommendations.

In the handbook, you will also find the description of the experiences of each partner within the implementation of the two workshops carried out:

  1. Belief systems and intercultural rural-urban youth dialogues, a blended 12-hour training meant to create a space for young people and professionals living in rural and urban areas to meet and start a dialogue, to express their ideas on their lifestyle, privileges, and challenges in connection with the place where they live, but also to reflect on the prejudices and stereotypes that ones might have toward the others or feel that others have towards them.
  2. Competence development for collective green entrepreneurship, a blended 20-hour training to work with participants on the necessary competences and social-emotional skills to successfully engage in collective green social entrepreneurship projects, taking into account the importance of urban-rural interconnectedness, the potentiality of digital contexts to breech distances, and the know-how to search for and identify the necessary resources to support entrepreneurial initiatives.

What will you learn by reading the handbook and doing the activities described?

The objective of the YURI handbook is to promote inclusion and diversity, a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, and climate action, by providing young people and youth workers with the resources and inspiration to:

  • Critically address belief systems, prejudices, and stereotypes related to identity in rural and urban environments
  • Promote the development of socioemotional competencies and skills necessary to successfully undertake social, sustainable, and collective initiatives
  • Foster the political advocacy of young people to share and discuss alternatives to the current climate crisis from a perspective of rural-urban collaboration and collective youth entrepreneurship.

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