PRACTICE | The Open Educational Resource for Critical Thinking’s teaching is online

Teacher helping students

Are you a teacher, educator, professional in the field of education or are you simply interested in improving your critical thinking competences? The PRACTICE consortium has developed a rich online set of open resources, easily accessible and freely available within the Radicalisation Prevention Programme.

The PRACTICE Radicalisation Prevention Programme represents an innovative tool for teachers and educational support staff for strengthening critical thinking skills and resilience of students, discussing controversial issues openly. It wants to support the school sector and the professionals working in it to improve their capacity to exploit the potential of new approaches, methodologies and perspectives, for the prevention of radicalisation through the development of critical thinking.

It is an Open Educational Resource (OER), guaranteeing flexibility and adaptability to its future users. Through this innovative format, it provides theoretical contents, strategies, innovative approaches, practice exercises and non-formal education activities.

Learn how you can access the OER in PRACTICE’s Newsletter #4!

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