BADGE: Business Advice and Guidance Training for Women Entrepreneurs

BADGE is designed for female start-up entrepreneurs who are often doubly disadvantaged: both because of their gender and their background.

Grant Agreement Number: 2013-1-PL1-LEO05-37593

Funded by: Leonardo Da Vinci        Duration: 11/2013 – 10/2015  


In the current economic crisis there is an urgent need to focus on the economic case for gender equality and on how changes in the labour market could provide better economic opportunities for women in a traditionally under-represented field – self-employment. Furthermore, at times of high unemployment, women-owned businesses make a key contribution to household incomes and economic growth. However, female entrepreneurs represent only a third of the self-employed in the EU, making women entrepreneurial potential an under-exploited source of economic growth and jobs, which should be further developed.


The overall aim of BADGE is to empower entrepreneurial women facing double disadvantage to start up their own business by development of soft skills, supporting self-efficacy, helping to regain confidence and motivation for work. Additionally it aims to equip VET trainers who work with this group with innovative and engaging support methodologies.


A report developed to identify the existing situation of women entrepreneurs in their own country. The report includes the socio-economic perspective of unemployed women, their educational and professional background and the training and support services for business start-ups.

Workshops were organised, focusing on soft skills development and entrepreneurial competences of disadvantaged women.

An online social platform for mutual support and exchange of experiences was created.

International conference held at President Hotel Athens
Training workshop in Athens
European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
(Project Coordinator)
Danmar Computers (Poland)
Inova Consultancy (UK)
EXODUS S.A. (Greece)
CARDET (Cyprus)

BICC-Sandanski (Bulgaria)
CNIPMMR – ARAD (Romania)

Social Innovation Fund (Lithuania)

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