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Youth2Work: Career Support for Unemployed Youth

Better access to labour market for youth unemployed, especially NEETs.

Grant Agreement Number: 2012-1-CH1-LEO05-00391

Funded by:  Leonardo Da Vinci                    Duration: 10/2012-11/2014   

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Young people have been most affected from the recent economic downturn. Actually, in 2011 there were 5 million young people not in education, employment or training (known as NEETs).

Also, unemployment rate was (and still is) a major concern for young people, as Greece and Portugal had surpassed the EU average. Young people, who are the future of every society, when they face problems both economically and socially, are likely to remain at this level having a bleak future, so special care is needed in order to engage them in labor market and society.


Youth2Work provides Career Support to Young NEETs using Career Circles as a tool for their Personal and Professional Development.


A report developed to identify the existing situation of NEETs in Greece, including all the necessary information such as NEETs’ skills, legislation, social actors, support structures and training opportunities.

Career Circles aim at providing young people with a range of key competences and soft skills which facilitate their integration into labor market. KMOP organized 2 Career Circles consisting of 3 sessions. Peer support was one of the main characteristics of the entire process.  

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission [Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. The descriptiont reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Swiss Occidental Leonardo (SOL) (Switzerland – Coordinator)
Inova Consultancy (UK)
BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und  Personaltraining GmbH (Austria)
Vitale Tecnologie Telecomunicazioni – VITECO S.r.l. – VITECO (Italy)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação – SPI (Portugal)
Spaço t – Associação Para o Apoio à Integração Social e Comunitária (Portugal)  

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