CO-Happiness – Happy and Safe in Community
Co-Happiness aims at better preventing cases of child abuse and maltreatment.
Grant Agreement Number: 2018-1-NL01—KA204-038991
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 09/2018-08/2021
The European report on preventing child maltreatment (2013) highlights that in Europe “18 million children suffer from sexual abuse, 44 million from physical abuse and 55 million from mental abuse.” Moreover, “analyses of community surveys from Europe and around the world have confirmed the extent of abuse in the community. They show a prevalence rate of 9.6% for sexual abuse (13.4% in girls and 5.7% in boys), 22.9% for physical and 29.1% for mental, with no real gender differences.” Few studies have been done on neglect, showing high prevalence − 16.3% for physical neglect and 18.4% for emotional (WHO, 2013). Although child maltreatment responses are a priority in most European countries, the responses are failing as the tide of child maltreatment in Europe is increasing, with calls for a greater focus on prevention.
By strengthening social capital and collective efficacy, Co-Happiness aims at better preventing cases of child abuse and maltreatment.