
CO-Happiness – Happy and Safe in Community

Co-Happiness aims at better preventing cases of child abuse and maltreatment.

Grant Agreement Number: 2018-1-NL01—KA204-038991

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 09/2018-08/2021   


The European report on preventing child maltreatment (2013) highlights that in Europe “18 million children suffer from sexual abuse, 44 million from physical abuse and 55 million from mental abuse.” Moreover, “analyses of community surveys from Europe and around the world have confirmed the extent of abuse in the community. They show a prevalence rate of 9.6% for sexual abuse (13.4% in girls and 5.7% in boys), 22.9% for physical and 29.1% for mental, with no real gender differences.” Few studies have been done on neglect, showing high prevalence − 16.3% for physical neglect and 18.4% for emotional (WHO, 2013). Although child maltreatment responses are a priority in most European countries, the responses are failing as the tide of child maltreatment in Europe is increasing, with calls for a greater focus on prevention.



By strengthening social capital and collective efficacy, Co-Happiness aims at better preventing cases of child abuse and maltreatment.


National research has identified evidence on existing successful interventions to prevent child abuse and maltreatment through social capital and collective efficacy approaches.  Social capital and collective efficacy approaches are emerging and it is important to compile information about their efficiency. The overview report will be a brief national context containing information, identified good practices on social capital and collective efficacy approaches per country for tailor-made training curricula, programme.

Read the Overview Report in English and Greek.

The courses curricula are addressing practitioners’ and interested parties’ needs. The training curricula aims at empowering target groups from the community in order to prevent child maltreatment, which in turn will make communities more resilient and safer for children.

Creation of a tool for professionals/organisations to know what aspects they should have in mind when they are planning a child-centered intervention to prevent child-maltreatment and abuse, or they want to create a material about it, etc.

The game targets children from 6 to 9 years old and will be available in community organisations requiring practitioners to be trained in its use. The online component of the game aims to transfer knowledge by playing (conceptualize); classroom component is behaviorally-based, aiming to develop prevention skills and communication abilities.

The resource guide is a tool for practitioners working in community or for  other stakeholders intervening in children’s well-being, supporting the usage of all developed resources: training for community actors, the training for game application and the game itself.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Dona Daria (Project Coordinator – Netherlands)
Amadora Inova (Portugal)
IntheCity Project Development (Netherlands)
San Giuseppe Onlus (Italy)
Aproximar Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social  (Portugal)
Coöp. vereniging Pressure Line U.A (Netherlands)

Asociatia Start pentru performanta (Romania)
Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

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