Joint Action for Decentralisation – Kosovo
The overall objective of this action is to contribute toward the completion of social services decentralisation process in Kosovo.
Reference Number: 404466/2018/03
Funded by: Europeaid Duration: 21/12/2018 – 20/05/2023
Despite the efforts to complete social services decentralisation which started in 2009, this process remains one of the main challenges in social welfare sector. Even though competencies have been decentralised from the central to the local level, financing of social and family services remains the fundamental concern which has not been yet implemented. As a consequence, it hinders the provision of quality and sustainable social services for the citizens in need for social protection. Except the lack of institutional will and capacities to implement the decentralisation process, civil society efforts to push and advocate for completion of the process have been and are sporadic, weak and not coordinated to increase the impact and to accelerate the process. Civil society has not been able to fully represent and give a voice to the most vulnerable citizens in the decentralisation process.
The overall objective of this action is to contribute toward the completion of social services decentralisation process in Kosovo. The specific objectives are: Strengthen and increase capacities and active role of Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection – KOMF (here and after as KOMF) towards the social services decentralisation process; Advocate toward decentralisation of social services through contribution for the improvement of related legal framework, monitoring of current legislation and mobilisation of public institutions; Raise awareness among wide public through media communication on social services decentralisation.
The project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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