Dive-In-Dialogue – Diversity and Inclusion through Dialogic Gatherings
Involving European disadvantaged students in Dialogic Gatherings, in order to improve their key competences and foster their inclusion in school and society.
Inequalities in education in Europe and around the globe are growing at a rapid pace. Minorities, migrants, refugees, students with learning difficulties or disabilities, and those living in low socio-economic contexts are having fewer opportunities to succeed in the education system. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated and deepened these disparities.
According to OECD’s PISA study, in 2018, the underachievement rate in Europe – meaning the percentage of students that fail in completing basic mathematics, science, and reading tasks – stood at 22.5% in reading, 22.9% in mathematics, and 22,3% in science. Data show that students from disadvantaged backgrounds are overrepresented among the underachievers.
Education is failing in reducing inequalities associated with socio-economic status. But scientific research with social impact in Education is showing the possibility of reversing this trend. There are educational actions, with a solid scientific basis, that have been shown to improve achievement and basic skills in many different contexts for all learners, especially for disadvantaged learners. This is the case of Dialogic Gatherings, a Successful Educational Action identified by INCLUD-ED research (FP6, 2006-2011), that have proven excellent results when applied in Science, Mathematics, Literature, Art and Music.
The Dive-In-Dialogue project aims to involve European disadvantaged students in Dialogic Gatherings, in order to improve their key competences and foster their inclusion in school and society. It also aims to train and empower teachers to use and disseminate this evidence-based practice, working transnationally and reaching disadvantaged students, their families and communities.
Dialogic Gatherings eBook will be an open, free, interactive online didactic resource available to all teachers in Europe willing to implement Dialogic Gatherings. The eBook will contain the following chapters: 1. The origins of Dialogic Gatherings (DG). 2. The scientific base of Dialogic Gatherings. 3. Dialogic Learning. Seven principles underpinning the DG. 4. Dialogic Gatherings. The practice. 5. Types of DG: Mathematical, Scientific, Literary, Artistic, and Musical. 6. Evaluation and monitoring instruments 7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). The main target group for the eBook will be teachers in Early years, Primary and Secondary Education in Europe, especially those working with disadvantaged population at risk of failure.
The on-boarding mini-tutorial videos will be a 15 min max videos whose main objective will be to encourage teachers and other stakeholders to test the practice and engage them in its implementation. These videos will explain in a very didactic, clear, and accessible way the fundamental steps to implement a Dialogic Gathering. They will be produced according to the five areas in which the project will work: Science, Mathematics, Art, Literature and Music; including the different school ages at which it is aimed. The five videos will also include short testimonies of positive impact among its participants.
A resource bank organised by educational levels, with quality materials, in open access, in different languages, and accessible from all devices, will be a great contribution to the European community of schools that implement Dialogic Gatherings. This resource bank will facilitate the implementation of the Gatherings ensuring their quality by including only the best scientific and cultural works with universal significance produced by humankind.
The Dive-In-Dialogue project aims to build an open community of practice where all teachers, students, and families involved in the Dialogic Gatherings can learn from each other, exchange experiences, and develop local, national and international Gatherings together. The benefit of implementing transnational Dialogic Gatherings is that most of the basic competencies that are sought to be developed are stimulated through the use of this cross-border format. Thus, the desire to speak another language in order to be able to communicate with colleagues in a European country, to have the basic digital skills to interact in an online community, the competence of expression and cultural awareness among others, will be greatly enhanced by this CoP. This will be an open space, where teachers can disseminate their DGs so that other teachers from other countries can join in with their classes.
European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Partners
KMOP – Social Action and Innovation CentreUniversity of Barcelona (Spain)RIC Novo Mesto (Slovenia)ESHA (Netherlands)National Roma Centrum at Kumanovo (Republic of North Macedonia)
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