StoryLiving- Enabling youth with developmental disabilities & mental health disorders to share their COVID-19 experiences through digital storytelling
A European initiative aiming to encourage social inclusion and provide support to youth with mental health disorders/ ASD to overcome the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grant Agreement Number: 2020-1-EL02-KA227-YOU-006797
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 05/2021 – 04/2023

There is a wide consensus that the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath have not only affected the physical wellbeing of people, but their mental health as well. According to research organizations across the world (Florillo & Gorwood, WHO), it is estimated that in the months, even years, to come the need for psychiatric support to individuals will increase, due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
At the same time, people at risk of social exclusion are more vulnerable than ever. For youth with mental health disorders and youth with ASD, the social distancing, the shift in priorities in the healthcare sector for the containment of the pandemic and the “infodemic”, and the rapid spread of terrifying fake news that increase anxiety in individuals, has had detrimental effects in their wellbeing. Furthermore, in a research by Ghent University, autistic adults reported a greater increase in both anxiety and depression symptoms than neurotypical adults, which is particularly worrisome as this group of people ordinarily shows increased rates of anxiety and depression.
The project “StoryLiving – Enabling youth with developmental disabilities & mental health disorders to share their COVID-19 experiences through digital storytelling,” will address these issues by applying the storyliving/storytelling method as an innovative recovery methodology.

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