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Ed.G.E: Educating girls and boys for Gender Equality

Ed.G.E aims at educating and raising awareness to girls and boys on gender equality and gender-based violence.

Funded by: REC        Duration: 10/2019-09/2021

Grant Agreement Number: 856806


According to the 2016 Eurobarometer survey on GBV, while there is widespread agreement among Europeans that domestic violence, sexual harassment and other acts of GBV are unacceptable, it still occurs widely (e.g. 74% of respondents said that domestic violence against women is common in their country). The survey also revealed that almost one in five (17%) agree violence against women is often provoked by the victim.

The 2014 EU Agency for Fundamental Rights “Violence against women” survey results show that since the age of 15 one in three women (33%) in the EU has experienced physical or sexual violence or both. Therefore, this data proves that efforts are still needed for the prevention and combating GBV. 



By mainstreaming a culture-based educational methodology, including art-based online games/applications and the involvement of children museums and schools, Ed.G.E aims at educating and raising awareness to girls and boys on gender equality and GBV.


A  desk and field research work will be conducted to assess the knowledge gaps of school age girls and boys in terms of understanding gender norms, gender equality, gender-based discrimination and violence, their attitudes, stereotypes regarding gender violence and to identify the most appropriate culture-based techniques and practices for educating them about gender equality.

An educational methodology guide will be developed, aiming at educating and raising the awareness of children on gender norms and gender equality and preventing GBV through the use of modern forms of creative cultural expression, combined with education. The approach taken in the project will draw from ideas in contemporary art practice and from museum practice. The methodology will be addressed to schools, as well as to museums and other organizations implementing educational, cultural and artistic activities for children and youth.

Interactive tools for educating girls and boys about gender equality and violence prevention will be developed, including ICT educational game applications/tools based on arts and cultures.

A capacity building programme will be designed for teachers, museum and other relevant professionals and volunteers who are or will be involved in education to combat GBV, on how to implement the culture-based educational methodology. The Capacity Building Programme will be also available online.

Three  14-hour capacity building workshops will be organized for 10-15 teachers, museum and other relevant professionals and volunteers, who interact with girls and boys and are (or are willing to become) involved in education to combat GBV in Greece, Italy, Cyprus and UK.

The developed culture-based methodology will be piloted by trained professionals or volunteers of museums, while the culture based educational actions will be implemented in 5 primary or lower secondary schools.
Also, a workshop will be organized with the 5 schools to inform them about the educational methodology and its benefits, and how it can be implemented by the school.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
(Project Coordinator)
CARDET (Cyprus)
Discover Children’s Story Centre (UK)
Hands On! International Association of Children in Museums (Austria)
Hellenic Children’s Museum (Greece)
Alchemilla Cooperativa Sociale (Italy)

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