EVOLVE: providing key skills and compEtences to low-skilled adult VOLunteers for the implementation of social welfare activities at locaL level

Motivating adults to participate in volunteering activities by enhancing their skills.

Grant Agreement: 2018-1-IT02-KA204-048131

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 10/2018 -09/2020   


The recent economic recession has driven civil society and local authorities to undertake more social welfare activities, which are mainly supported by volunteers. However, the lack of a well-organized system in terms of recruitment and well-trained volunteers constitutes a major issue. According to a EC Survey on Adult Skills, those who volunteer demonstrate better skills in numeracy, literacy and problem solving in IT environment than the ones who do not. At the same time, Greece, Cyprus and Italy are among the countries with the lowest participation in voluntary activities. Consequently, there is an urgent need to improve the proficiency of adults in literacy, numeracy and technology, so that their ability and motivation to volunteer is improved.


By bringing together civil society and local authorities and developing the skills of low-qualified adults, EVOLVE motivates the latter as volunteers in their communities, promoting thus active citizenship.


A Capacity Building Curriculum divided in 4 thematic topics (literacy, numeracy, digital, soft skills) will be developed to enhance the skills of low-qualified adults, aiming to foster their participation in volunteering activities. The Curriculum will be available online.

An innovative volunteer guide will be available through the web platform (e-tool) which will match volunteers with volunteering activities based on their skills, capacities and the respective needs in local communities.

Α methodology of adult volunteering for local social welfare activities will be developed, aiming to equip low-skilled adult volunteers and to better organise community-based volunteering services to vulnerable groups.
The methodology will include the following steps: selection of volunteers, matching volunteers with volunteering opportunities, delivery of training, a 2-month informal internship and evaluation of the internship outcomes.

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Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo (Italy – Project Coordinator)

Municipality of Athens (Greece) 
Municipality of Agios Athanasios (Cyprus)
CARDET (Cyprus)

Fondazione Caritas Livorno Onlus (Italy)
NOVEL Group (Luxembourg) 

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