I-CARE – Intercultural Care in the Social and Healthcare Sector
i-CARE aims at enhancing the services provided to people with different cultural background in the social and healthcare sector.
Grant Agreement: 2019-1-UK01-KA202-061433
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/12/2019 – 31/12/2021
Communication between employees working in the social and healthcare sector and their clients with migrant background is greatly influenced by the ability to deal with cultural diversity. In general, the work of the socio-health professionals with people of different national, ethnic, social and economic origins creates difficulties and complexities in the relationship and in professional interventions. Differences in attitude and approaches to clients with different ethnic backgrounds often give rise to misunderstandings and irritation, sometimes even leading to dissociation and isolation of specific groups of staff and groups of clients/patients.
Considering the increasing number of immigrant users within social and healthcare services, a person-centred approach and diversity management are important new elements to be included in the professional training path. However, vocational education and training for people in the social and healthcare sector rarely include the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies to deal proficiently with clients with a migrant background.
By developing the intercultural and social communication skills of social and healthcare sector employees, i-CARE aims at enhancing the services provided to people with different cultural background.