INCLUDED: Inclusive sex-ed through creative methods

INCLUDED brings together 7 European countries to develop an innovative sexual education programme addressed to students, with the involvement of their teachers and families.

Grant Agreement Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA227-SCH-094470

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 01/06/2021 – 31/05/2023


Although the WHO policy recommendation for the implementation of holistic sex-ed came out in 2010, the latest reports highlight there is still much to reach UNESCO’s standards for sexual education to assure the rights of all children. Moreover, while the benefit of Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) has been widely demonstrated, according to UNESCO there is limited information on the impact of CSE curricula on already marginalised groups, including young people with physical and/or cognitive disabilities, and suitable and effective methodologies for this target group should be further investigated. In this context, the use of creative methods such as role-playing and theatre games have proven to be effective in educating young people and even more with young people with intellectual disabilities since according to researchers’ methods that are based on modeling, role-play, rehearsal, and practice skills can be quite useful for improving the skills of individuals with intellectual disabilities.


INCLUDED is an EU-funded project that aims to design and implement an inclusive sexual education curriculum for high-school students and a model to foster a whole-school approach to sexual education, both based on student-friendly theatrical techniques.


A curricular training programme for students, aimed to support teenage students, including those with intellectual disabilities, to effectively achieve the core learning outcomes of sexual education (according to WHO standards).

The handbook is available HERE.

An e-course, which will support teachers and school staff to be able to apply current practices in sexual education for their students through creative methods.

A methodological guide for schools to develop inclusive sex-ed workshops for families and the school community. Aimed for schools to be able to engage parents and caretakers’ active cooperation in the sex-ed programme for students in accordance to WHO policy recommendations.

Policy guidelines and a detailed roadmap based on the experience in each partner country of how to implement creative whole-school approach to holistic and positive sexed, aimed at school authorities and policy makers.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Education and Innovation Hub (Greece)
Merseyside Expanding Horizons (UK)
La Xixa Teatre Association (Spain)
Anziani e Non Solo (Italy)
Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education of Attica (Greece)
Stichting Sexmatters (Netherlands)
KMOP Skopje
KMOP Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia)

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