Net-Care: Networking and Care for Refugee and Migrant Women
Net-Care aims at promoting the social inclusion of migrants and refugees victims of gender-based violence.
Grant Agreement Number: 856909
Funded by: REC Duration: 08/2019-07/2021

The EU Reception Directive requires MS to provide access to appropriate medical & psychological care for migrants who have been subject to violence. EU Agency for Fundamental Rights underlined several recommendations and measures for fighting gender-based violence (GBV) while working with migrants, such as adequate housing measures, awareness raising, inter-agency coordination, training of staff etc. However, there is still a fragile network among public & private entities, in few countries, generally not sufficiently prepared to deal with GBV cases, with limited resources at disposal to meet the needs of these specific target groups.
The main shortcomings that existing receptions services have to face are: the lack of dedicated & trained staff, absence of a systemic approach, lack of a network among reception centers, health services and anti-trafficking centers, lack of common protocols for a rapid response as well as inappropriate use of cultural mediation.
NET-CARE aims at promoting the social inclusion of migrants and refugees victims of GBV, by bringing together national networks of CSOs & public services and by training cultural mediators operating in health, social care and legal support of SGV victims.

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Project Partners


Centro Salute Globale (Italy)