Enticing Teachers’ SkIlls in Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing

The ENTICING project aspires to educate teachers on Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing and support them in improving the quality of their teaching.

Grant Agreement Number: 20120-1-EL01-KA226-SCH-094773

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 01/03/2021 – 28/02/2023


Cultural and creative micro-enterprises in particular in tourist areas were gravely affected by COVID-19 due to travel restrictions and the lockdown. Relying on the traditional business model that favours face to face communication with the customer, these small businesses were particularly hit and were unprepared to address the changes that COVID ensued. The pandemic however came to bleakly highlight the already existing lack of digital competences that puts these small businesses in a disadvantaged position, decreases their competitiveness and will lead them to exclusion from the opportunities of the digital era.


The ENTICING project aims at blending the benefits of Crowdsourcing with the need to upgrade the levels of digital readiness of secondary school teachers in humanities .


The course a) delves into and trains teachers on key Digital Humanities concepts and approaches such as the digital content development and management, use of digital technologies in Humanities, digital literacy b) trains them on the methodology and tools of crowdsourcing and how to integrate them in the classroom; and c) displays hands-on examples of implementing the principles of Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing in the classroom context.

The ENTICING platform is a vibrant learning space and networking tool among teachers and offers a portal for crowdsourcing ideas.

The aim is to support schools in secondary education to take up and introduce digital humanities crowdsourcing and support humanities’ teachers. These guidelines delves into practical issues and enabling factors but also highlights the benefits of digital humanities crowdsourcing for teachers and students alike.

The evidence-based Policy Recommendations aims to promote the mainstreaming of digital humanities crowdsourcing in the secondary schools.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Policy Center (Belgium)
University of the Peloponnese (Greece)
Institouto Ekpedeftikis Politikis (Greece)
KMOP – Skopje (North Macedonia)
CARDET (Cyprus)
Spectrum (Ireland)

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