Parent involvement of migrant children
P2T aims to showcase the crucial role of parental involvement in the educational success of migrant/refugee students.
Grant Agreement Number: KA220-ADU-154ABEA3
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01-09-2022 – 31-08-2024
In European educational systems, creating inclusive schools has become a crucial priority due to the growing number of immigrant and refugee families and their distinctive educational requirements and challenges. However, many migrant/refugee parents face specific challenges when supporting them in their educational duties in the host country, including cultural differences, poor language skills, and limited knowledge about the educational system hinder their full potential of parental involvement.
Despite their willingness to learn, this situation contributes to the increased performance gap between students with and without a migrant background, leading to early school leaving if not treated adequately.
However, International research has shown that parental involvement is crucial to student’s educational success. It has a positive impact on students’ grades and continuation to post-secondary education, and it results in lower rates of early school leaving.
P2T aspires to empower migrant/refugee parents with the skills and knowledge to understand the educational system in their host countries and better support their children’s learning and integration into the local community.