TAiLored EmploymeNt PaThs for adults with ASD

An Erasmus+ initiative that aims to enhancing and emphasising the strengths of people with autism that make them the most suitable candidates for certain jobs.

GA number: 2023-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000154578

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 01/12/2023-30/11/2026


Despite the intensified efforts made by the EU, to promote equality for all its citizens in all life sectors, ensuring that no one is left behind, autistic people face very high levels of discrimination in all aspects of life, according to Autism-Europe’s feedback on the roadmap for the Disability Rights for 2021-2030.

Across Europe there is a serious lack of adapted education and training that could enable autistic adults to gain the needed skills that are required for work. Lack of access to all levels of education, lack of tailored training opportunities and stigma are reported as major challenges for their employment.

Autistic adults present weak social and communication skills that create unique challenges for their integration and success in the labour market. But, at the same time, they present strong attributes and valuable skills that create opportunities, making them potentially outstanding employees for specific jobs. Given appropriate education, training, and ongoing support, persons with ASD could potentially flourish in employment settings (Walsh, Lydon & Healy, 2014).


The Talent ASD project aims to build on the strength of people with autism, enhancing and emphasising their strong attributes that make them the most suitable candidates for certain jobs (with a focus on green, digital and social jobs), through a new and innovative training programme fully tailored to the profile of people with autism.


The handbook provides adult educators and other professionals with a comprehensive knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of adults with autism, suitable jobs and positions, labour market opportunities, appropriate educational and career paths and learning preferences, enabling them to develop and deliver effective, individualised and attractive training, activation and counselling services for adults with autism.

The TALENT ASD training package contains a curriculum describing the programme’s objectives and learning outcomes, resources and methods, specific benchmarks, assessment and certification, the structure, duration and description of the training sessions. An individualised training programme will be developed for adults with ASD that aims to further strengthen/develop their employment competencies and soft skills. It will also include sessions on their rights at work and stress management at work, based on case studies, pictograms, and other visual aids, non-formal exercises, educational games, and simulations, all adapted to the learning programme of the target group and scientific data to promote learning and active participation in learning.

The training programme and course curriculum for adult educators enables the development of their capacities, facilitates the further use of the results and increases their competence to provide individual activation, counselling and training services to adults with autism. It ensures that interested adult educators have the opportunity to train on the topic, better understand the learning profiles of adults with autism, familiarise themselves with effective training methods, acquire/improve their competences in providing individually tailored and meaningful activation, counselling and training services to adults with autism and become certified for the acquired knowledge.

The empowerment cycles that put the activation, counselling and training programme into practice increase learners’ motivation and counteract their fears of contact, improve their ability to make targeted vocational and educational choices, deepen their understanding of their rights in the labour market, familiarise them with methods of coping with stress in the workplace and strengthen key employment competences and soft skills so that they are much better prepared to enter and succeed in the labour market. At the same time, they provide the adult educators and staff of the participating organisations with practical experience that contributes significantly to their employability in the field.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Partners

KMOP – Education and Innovation Hub, Greece
Pro Arbeit, Germany (Coordinator)
Eesti Eduhub, Estonia
Catro Bulgaria, Bulgaria
Fundacion Intras, Spain
Aproximar, Portugal
VsI Socialiniu inovaciju centras, Lithuania



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